No.1 Penis Enlargement Program

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 5, 2011

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Pills? Easy Methods to Enlarge Your Penis Size Naturally!

Are you wondering how to make your penis bigger without pills? They say that women are vain. Women have lots and lots of things which they use to stop aging. Whether these things are clothes, bags, shoes, or make-up- all of these are for the sake of beauty. A woman who feels beautiful is confident. How about for men? Would it surprise you if they feel less confident if they think that they are small down there? It is no surprise anymore for we know how great a man's size matters for his self-esteem. In connection to this, if a man is not contented with his size, he would then find ways to make his tool longer and bigger.

Nowadays, there are a number of easy ways on how to make your penis bigger without pills. Not only do they promise to lengthen and widen a man's penis but according to some people, they can also make you last longer in bed and would also enable you to maintain harder and longer erections.

How to make your penis bigger without pills? Some men choose a method of improving their size by considering their preferences like safety, comfort, and quality. They choose the best method for them using those things in mind.

With numerous options of increasing a man's penis size, you might find yourself confused about which will give you the easiest methods and the quickest ones. How much would it cost you or how safe it would be is also something to be thought of. To be honest, the easiest way to let your penis grow is to pop some penis enlargement pills which promise to give you 3 more inches and then get some sleep and wait for the growth of your penis.

It could be easy but male enlargement does not really happen that fast. It may take some time unlike how some promotions would say. How to make your penis bigger without pills? It would be helpful if you read and get to know the ingredients that are in those pills and try to ask professional help if they really work in due time. The safety of the pills is also very important. If you are aware that you have some drug allergies, it might not be a good idea to pop some of those pills that you just see on the net. It is not just the effectiveness of the pill that you are after. You would also want to enjoy the rest of your life without thinking about a trauma of your past due to your desire to enlarge your penis.

True that a man's penis can be enlarged but one must choose carefully what method to use. Another way of increasing the size of your penis is by using natural exercises for the penis. These exercises should be done regularly in order to have the results that you want. One very famous penis exercise is jelqing. This exercise for your penis involves movements like milking a cow. What you do is take your index finger and thumb and wrap it around the bottom of your penis. Slowly move your hand upward towards the head being sure to concentrate on pushing blood into the chambers of your penis. Once you reach the top, switch with your other hand and repeat 19 more times. This is done in order to increase the amount of blood that will flow through your penis, making it larger and even longer. This method promises results in two months.

Another exercise is called the length extender. Take your penis and stretch it out comfortably as far as you can and hold it there for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds and do it again 5 more times. Do the same thing to your left and to your right, and you are done with this exercise.

Should you choose to increase the size if your penis, remember that there is no quick and easy way to just do it. Choose well and choose the right method of how to make your penis bigger without pills.

Want to discover these easy secrets to Increase Your Penis Size? Click here now!

Going Natural With Penis Enlargement Tips! Up to a 9" Size Penis Is Possible With These Free Tips

The human penis is totally different from one man to other. If aroused, all penises probably grow to its natural size however long or short it may be, but when not aroused at all, it can be a different story. The problem starts when we have a penis not large enough to pleasure our women in bed. And this can be a tough issue, because it can lead to so many other things. It can ruin our self-esteem and affect our lives and especially work, which can prove to be damaging. But we remain hopeful as we can always work around it with effective penis enlargement tips used and favored by so many today.

There are actually many methods that are encouraged by medical practitioners and are often part of effective penis enlargement tips. And among them, the good old exercise reigned supreme. The main reason for this probably is that doing exercise is purely natural, has no side effects or any risks involved. And it won't cost anyone anything.

When talking about penis enlargement tips, nothing comes close to the effectiveness and other benefits brought about by natural exercises. The normal objective of various exercises for the whole body is to regulate and improve blood circulation. These exercises work on the premise that the penis itself is a muscle; and just like the other muscles in the body particularly those attractive ones in our shoulders which needs exercising to grow and harden, so does our penis need to be exercised for it grow and harden.

Exercises regulate blood movement to our body, especially in our penis. If blood is flowing normally in this part, it will stimulate significant growth. One exercise you can always try is Jelqing. It works just like "milking." What you do is take your index finger and thumb and wrap it around the bottom of your penis. Slowly move your hand upward towards the head being sure to concentrate on pushing blood into the chambers of your penis. Once you reach the top, switch with your other hand and repeat 19 more times. This stimulates the spongy tissues in the penis to expand so it can hold more blood, thus enlarging the penis in the process.

Jelqing exercises, if done well and regularly, can do great wonders in the long run. For it to be truly effective, constant penis workout should be performed for less than thirty minutes a day.

Another feature of penis enlargement tips that might interest you is making it look larger by trimming your pubic hair. It may sound funny to you, but if coordinated with the natural exercise mentioned above, it could double the effects instead. Shaving the shaft carefully and repeating the procedure regularly can give your penis a larger appearance for days. Add the idea of losing body fat, and your penis size will surely be emphasized naturally. At least now you have something to occupy yourself and sweat it out.

Having a large penis, for some men, can mean everything. As men, we are primarily concerned with giving pleasure to our women, and not necessarily the other way around. Pleasuring our women in bed gives us a feeling of satisfaction, of accomplishment that we can really be proud of. Not being able to provide satisfaction to our women on the other hand, can really mess up things. It can affect our lives, our work, and our relationships with other people. And if we want to avoid it, we must get serious with these effective penis enlargement tips. If you think about it, you really have nothing to lose.

Are you ready to Increase Penis Size Naturally and have INSANE ORGASMS in as little as your first 3 weeks? Well, I actually came across this amazing penis exercise program a while back that helped me gain 2 inches to my size lightning fast and... permanently. This award winning program is safe, effective, permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)!

>> To learn more, simply click the following link: Naturally Increase Penis Size

Effective Strategies on How to Enlarge the Penis Naturally!

Things have really changed these days. Some may find it funny, but if we men talk about pleasuring our women, or giving it to someone we want to, everything then boils down to having a big penis. To have an enlarged penis whether in length or in girth is among the things that gets us men on our women's good side. Learning how to enlarge the penis naturally is the first thing that comes into our minds.

To help us with it are some tips and techniques that teaches us how to enlarge penis naturally, and get away with it successfully. To enlarge the penis means a good understanding of men's health in general. And what could be more be healthy than exercises. For sure we men will not have to worry about some risks or side effects that tag along like what we can expect from some other methods out there with their sophisticated-looking devices.

Everyone knows that to exercise is to give our bodies so many good things that do wonders for us, especially in the long run. One great thing that exercise can be of great help is how it can help maintain our blood pressure and better regulate blood circulation throughout the body, especially in the penis. Naturally, more blood movement in the penis means gradual expansion of those spongy tissues around it.

Aside from effective exercises, disciplining ourselves by staying away from alcohol also helps. This is one important thing to note when training ourselves on how to enlarge the penis naturally. Generally, moderate to excessive alcohol intake is among the causes of some of today's great killers, and that includes cancer and high blood pressure. And it also affects sexual performance badly, as body intoxication from alcohol significantly reduces men's erections.

Stop smoking. If you are dead serious about learning how to enlarge the penis naturally, you should think twice about smoking. It does not only wreak havoc to our health, it also messes up with how we perform in bed. Smoking directly destroys the blood vessels, thus affecting penis size.

It's important to steer ourselves away from those methods that can only do harm to our penis. To date, there are so many attractive methods on how to increase the penis size. Venturing into these dangerous waters is not really safe because of the side effects associated to it. And these will only affect penis performance in the long run.

The use of pumps of various designs is a good thing, but it will only mess up with the blood flow in the long term, and will only result to penis damage. Creams on the other hand may increase the blood flow to the penis as it can cause temperature change, but again it will only affect the penis erection in the long run. Pills and silicone injections only mounts to more dangers than benefits, and therefore not really advisable. Surgery is another way a few men has used to enlarge penis size. And most men steered clear away from surgery because of the price and the irreversible damages it has been known to cause. And the side effects of the surgery caused most men to end up with a deformed penis, impotence and not much of a sex life afterwards because they are at a high risk of infection.

Now that you already have an idea you can start putting your heart and will to it, and you will eventually succeed. Pleasuring our women is now very feasible thanks to these techniques. Learn how to enlarge penis naturally and it will do wonders for you.

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